dilluns, 3 de setembre del 2012


Currency: the money in England is the pound sterling, and its symbol is the £. 1 euro is now 0,79 pounds.
Travel trips: the easiest way to go to London is by plane. The airport which is much more convenient is the Heathrow Airport.
Accomodation: The best hotel is the Grand Royale London Hyde Park, which is in the center of London and these lets you a lot of facilities.
Restaurants: you can go to the Skylon which is a modern restaurant where you can enjoy the sees. The Inamo restaurant is also another good way to enjoy your food. In London there are a lot of fast food restaurants which can be a good decision if you have to eat in a hurry.

Sightseeing, you can visit:

1. Big Ben, the most important tower of London. Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace Westminster in London, the seat of the parlamentiar. At first Big Ben was only the bell, but now it is called Big Ben to all the tower. Its official name was Clock Tower, but in june of 2012, the tower started to be called Elizabeth Tower. The tower has in it the biggest four faces clock and is the third highest clock tower in the world.


2.  Buckingham Palace, is the place where the queen and her family live. The Palace is used to celebrate the reception to other chancellor from another state and, also, there are expose the royal collection, which is compose of jewelery, pictures...


 3. Royal Collection, is the collection of the British Monarchy, now its owner is Elizabeth II, the queen. The collection has a unition with the person who is the king or the queen and with the nation, and the division of them is not allowed. The Royal Collection is one of the lasts big collections that are following concted with the royal family.


 4. British Airway London Eye, knowed too, Millennium Wheel, is one of the biggest viewpoint of the world. It was built in 1999. It has a height of 135 metres. When you are there you can see all the city, but you need minum forty-five free minutes.



5. Chelsea Football Club, if you like football you must go to watch Chelsea. The pitch is called Stamford Bridge and is in Chelsea neighborhood.

 Weather:The weather is usually much lower that Spain. In winter is minium 0 or 5 degress and in summer can be 15 or 20. Is usually the rain, rainy days and cloudy. But if you want to know the weather much better you can consulte:


 Transport: the easiest way to move yourself in London is using the underground. But if you want to see the city by bus is a cheap and a good way to see the city. Both are confortable and are a typical british thing, they are famous arround the world, everyone must have seen them somewhere.


The history of Great Britain


The United Kingdom is the unit of four states Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales. England start to conquer  Ireland in 1171 and Wales in 1282. But since Henry VIII Ireland was independent. 
 In 1707 the union between these contries was signed in the Act of Union. In this act they agreed to call they territory Great Britain. The Act of Union also add all the parliaments, the economy,  from all the members of Great Britain. 
Great Britain did some important things for example the first parliament, the most important commercial relations, the best navy and the most important, the Industrial Revolution (1750). 

In 1815, Great Britain changed in economical aspects and demographical. The population grew up next to the factories on the North and the West. That made appear bourgeoisie and the proletariat, two social classes, which are very important for the history. 
But in 1857 the first global crisis arrived to Great Britain. The crisis let the bourgeoisie obtained the power to vote and in 1875 the goverment permitted the strike and five years then, they made obligatory the elementary school.

In the 20th century, they improved the laboral conditions from the proletariat, they limited the power from the Lords Camera, they aproved the Home Rule (an statute that gives autonomy to Ireland) and the universal suffrage. After few years, Great Britain went into the World War I against Germany.When the war finished Great Britain had some huge problems and that caused the divition of Ireland from Great Britain, just a part of it is still forming part of Great Britain (North Ireland).

In 1939 Great Britain got in to the World War II with France, against Germany. When France was ocupated Great Britain had to suffer alone the atacks from Germany that had nothing to do. In 1941 USA got in to the war with England and also URSS. The War finished in 1945 with the victory of the allies.

In 1992 they got in to the European Union Comunity, but they were one of the twelve founders.




In Britain the temperature is lower, between 15-17 degrees in summer and 0-6 in winter, than Spain which is 10-15 in winter and 35-40 in summer. The weather in UK is more cloudy and rainy in Spain is usually sunny. Spain has a mediterrania climate while UK has a atlantic climate.


 The enviroment in the two places depends on the climate. In Spain is more arid than England. Here there are two pictures which show us the diferences: the first picture is Spain and the second picture is Britain.


The UK has 61,827,200 people living in their islands and Spain has 47.190.494 people.

British Isles

Those are the British Isles, Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales.